How do I complete a bulk import and export of items?
Toolcie allows you to do a bulk import and export of your products and services.
Before starting
Here is what you need to know before starting this process:
- To carry out this process, you must use a spreadsheet in an application such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, saved or exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
See how to do this with Microsoft Excel - Importing is limited to 500 entries. If you have more than 500 items, please import them in several batches.
Bulk importing items
To import new products or services, in the items section, click on the import button. When the dialog box opens, click on the link to download a sample file. Once you’ve filled in the file, import it using the upload button
Bulk updating items
To update products or services, use the sample file described in the previous section or the export file from the next section.
The import process will determine if a new item is being added or if an existing item is being updated based on the following fields:
- Reference
- Barcode
- Item name
Bulk exporting items
To export products or services, in the items section, check the boxes for the items that you want to export, then click on the export