How do I automatically add attachments to quotes and invoices?

Toolcie allows you to add attachments before and after the document. The attachments will be visible in the final PDF document, as well as online, with the “Share document” feature, for example.

Example uses:

  • add a cover page
  • add your company’s brochure
  • add general terms and conditions of sale
  • add additional information

How do I add an attachment?

To add an attachment, edit the layout template as follows:

  • Settings > Quotes > Layout template (dropdown list)
  • Settings > Invoices > Layout template (dropdown list)

Once in editing mode, click the “Attachments” tab located in the left-hand column, then import your attachments in PDF format.

How do I add different attachments to quotes and invoices?

If you want to add different attachments for quotes and invoices, duplicate the existing layout template. To do this, click on the contextual menu located in the bar at the top of the page.

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