Recurring invoices are useful when you invoice some of your customers at regular intervals. For example, this can be the case with subscriptions or for maintenance.
Toolcie allows you to create recurring invoices. The software automatically creates a new invoice based on the original model at regular intervals. Once the invoice has been created, the software sends you an alert. That way, you can check the invoice, and if everything is in order, you can send it to your customer.
Activate recurring invoicing
You can activate the recurring option for an existing invoice or when adding a new invoice.
In editing/creation mode for an invoice, click on the contextual menu
then on the “Recurring invoice”
If you are on the page listing all invoices, use the contextual menu
then click on “Recurring invoice”.
The window will offer you different options for settings. In particular, you can set the desired interval of frequency, for example: every two weeks, every three months, every year, etc.
You can also set the type of ending:
- never
- end date
- number of occurrences
If you choose the end date, the last automatic invoice will be created, at the latest, on the end date.
If you opt for a number of occurrences, the last invoice will be created once the number of occurrences is reached. For example: if you set it for two occurrences, two invoices will be created, then recurring invoicing will stop.
When saved, the next invoice creation date will be indicated.
Modify or deactivate recurring invoicing
At any time, you can modify or deactivate a recurring invoice either through the original invoice in question or through the subsequent related invoices. Just use the same pathway used for activating recurring invoicing.
Show all recurring invoices
When you are on the page listing all invoices, you can show recurring invoices (templates) by clicking the search icon
then, from the menu located below the search field, click on “Recurring invoice”.